
Batgirl - How Barbara Gordon became the heart of the Batman family - logsdonprecand

Batgirl - How Barbara Gordon became the bosom of the Batman family

Batgirl #31
(Image reference: District of Columbia)

Batgirl is having a moment...

Happening November 30 Warner Bros. formally began production connected its Batgirl film with thespian Leslie State of grace in the lead function, finally delivery Barbara Gordon to the big sort and somewhat full circle from her origins as a character created for the '60s Batman television series.

That's right, comic book readers know 'Babs' as a comic book icon in dual roles as both Batgirl and her other superhero indistinguishability Oracle, the star or co-star of decades of stories, and person who continues to rising slope in prominence and stature in the D.C. Universe.

But Barbara Gordon actually began as a glimmer in the eyes of Batman TV producer William Dozier, who was looking for a young-bearing ze to flourish the show's cast and form a trio alongside the iconic Dynamic Span of Adam Dame Rebecca West's Batman and Burt Ward's Old World robin.

(Prototype credit: D.C.)

But DC Comics factored into the equality sooner than later.

Recognizing on the dot where his Bat-bread was Bat-buttered, Dozier enlisted legendary DC editor Julius Schwarz to serve flesh prohibited his idea of Commissioner Gordon's girl becoming Batgirl. Schwarz in turn brought in writer Gardner Fox and creative person Chromatic Infantino, and comic book Barbara Gordon was introduced in Jan 1967's Detective Comics #359, just forward of her first TV debut later that class played by the boyhood and girlhood crush of many an Gen X'atomic number 68, Yvonne Craig.

As newsworthy American Samoa it is, that story is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Barbara Gordon's importance and legacy in the DC Universe, not just as Batgirl, but as Vaticinator, and even in her civilian identity as a librarian and computer expert.

Dependable to her nature as a co-creation of comical books and TV, Barbara Gordon has been adapted into numerous other media, including a previous film carrying out by Alicia Silverstone in 1997's Batman & Robin.

Barbara Gordon is too returning to television in HBO Max's Titans season 3, where she'll embody played by actor Savannah Welch. But Leslie Good will's star turn as Batgirl will mark one of the character's for the first time superior roles outside of comic books - and definitely her first time taking the spotlight in movies.

Simultaneously, Direct current is establishing a new role for Barbara Gordon in mirthful books as the leader of a whole team up of Batgirls, who volition star in their own new on-going serial publication,

So heave skyward your utility belts, crank your Batcycle - or if you're more of an Seer fan, firing up your hi-tech hacking and surveillance gear - and get ready to take a late dive into the history of Barbara Gordon, DC's best known Batgirl.

Who is Barbara Gordon?

page from Detective Comics #359

(Ikon credit: DC)

Earlier we get likewise into Barbara Gordon's narrative, we should admit that she's actually non the original Batgirl. DC's original Batgirl (or Bat-Girl, as it was much stylized) Bette Kane, was introduced just a few years before Barbara Gordon alongside her aunt Kathy Kane, AKA Batwoman.

The geminate were intended atomic number 3 within reason lighthearted counterparts to Batman and Robin, and sometimes straight-grained love interests for the Dynamic Brace (partly to gentle assertions that Batman was in a vulturous relationship with Erithacus rubecol made by author Frederick Wertham's infamous rule book Seduction of the Innocent - we wish we were kidding).

Though Bette and Kathy were both after resurgent and reinvented, with Kathy Kane being adapted into the modern Batwoman Kate Kane, they were already mostly remove from Batman's adventures past the time TV executives and DC creators decided to bestow in a novel, more exciting Batgirl.

With all that out of the way, enter Barbara Gordon in Detective Comics #359's story 'The Million Dollar Debut of Batgirl!', in which Barbara Gordon dons a feminine version of Batman's classical outfit to attend a costume company of Gotham's elite - only to interrupt a robbery by the villainous Killer Moth, protrusive her on a crimefighting life history.

Interestingly, Batgirl's freehand appearance connected the Batman Television receiver show, portrayed by Yvonne Craig, also pitted her against Killer Moth - although the episode merely aroused being a navigate to deal out a 3rd season of the show on the strength of the new Batgirl.

(Image credit: DC)

The footage worked, and Batgirl's popularity on both the Batman TV show and in comic books followed quickly, establishing Barbara Gordon as one of Batman's key supporting characters through the primordial '70s with her own substitute stories in Detective Comics.

Even back in those days, Barbara Gordon was more just Commissioner Gordon's daughter (a relationship that hasn't always stayed the same ended the eld - we'll generate into it). In fact, she was actually fitter known to strangers arsenic Barbara Gordon, PhD, the head of the Gotham City Semipublic Library, a prominent citizen in her own right.

What's more, in a theme that's been repeated in some incarnations of her storey, Batgirl originally began her law-breaking-fight career without Batman's blessing (he objected to a woman fighting crime in Gotham - kind of male chauvinist, for someone normally American Samoa egalitarian every bit Batman), using her own considerable intellect and skill to Batman stay one step in front of the Dark Knight atomic number 3 easily as his many foes.

Batgirl's popularity LED to client appearances across other DC titles, including Justice Department League, team-up book The Lionhearted and the Bold, and even Action Comics. Her warm reception from fans, owing to her more action-oriented adventures in which she rarely needed saving from Batman, along with her provocative personality, even led to a boom in titles featuring spin-off characters of familiar heroes.

Then in 1972, DC really ready-made the then-rarefied move of having Barbara Gordon retire from being a superhero in a Detective Comics #424 report aptly noble 'Batgirl's Last Example,' in which she unconcealed her identity American Samoa Batgirl to Commissioner Gordon, and was elected to the US House of Representatives (none Logos on which fine she ran with).

Her retirement only lasted as long as a blind date with Clark Rockwell Kent, which is interrupted by villains, subsequent in the two forming a lasting friendly relationship and Batgirl fashioning a string of subsequent appearances in Superman stories alongside some the Man of Steel and, by nature, Supergirl (her Kryptonian counterpart). From there, she went on to organize a partnership with Gumshoe Grayson, with the pair appearing as Batgirl and Robin in regular features in the title Batman Syndicate.

No of this was to last, however, A 1984-85 established DC's Crisis On Infinite Earths, which collapsed the original District of Columbia Multiverse into a single timeline. This successively meant that many characters had their own individual histories rewritten - and Barbara Gordon was no more elision.

Becoming Oracle

cover of Birds of Prey #100

(Image reference: DC)

Following Crisis on Numberless Earths, Barbara Gordon's past was changed to fit the new timeline of the unified, individual DC Universe.

Though her story wasn't rewritten nearly as much atomic number 3 several DC heroes, such as her friend Supergirl who was erased from world entirely, Barbara Gordon was de-aged to her college years and her post-Batgirl career as a congresswoman was rolled back, returning her to operating American Samoa Batgirl in Gotham City A an ally of Batman and Robin.

Moreover, her human relationship with Commissioner Jim Gordon was changed, as atomic number 2 was also made somewhat younger. Now instead of being Jim Gordon's life daughter, Barbara Gordon is his Sister's girl, who Gordon adopted (this account has gone back and forth a some times over the years as different writers take in referred to them with different relationships).

Batgirl's origins were also slightly revamped, giving her an interest in Batman, superheroes, and disorderly crime from a much younger age, and reestablishing her Eloquent Age rivalry with the villainous Killer Moth in the story Batgirl: Twelvemonth One, which retells her earliest adventures.

However, Barbara Gordon's superhero vocation was almost curtail entirely in the moot landmark story Batman: The Killing Joke. In that story, Barbara is ambushed in her home by the Joker, who assaults and shoots her, leaving her paralyzed from the waist down, necessitating her use of a wheelchair for mobility.

Though Barbara's final appearance as Batgirl before The Killing Joke also involved retiring from being a costumed law-breaking-paladin, her rape at the hands of the Joker reinvigorates her drive for justice leading her to prioritize her intelligence and detection skills under a totally untried identity. She takes dormy the codename of Oracle, positioning herself A the greatest entropy broker in Gotham City, and the hub of information for heroes in the DC Universe.

(Image credit: DC)

Despite the physical limitations incurred by her paralysis, Barbara fluidly transitions into a completely new career American Samoa a superhero, this time organizing other heroes more or less her as her operatives and agents - the fabled Birds of Prey. To begin with consisting of Huntress and Black Canary on the job aboard Oracle as their guide, the Birds of Prey have gone on to include many members over the days as their own fully-fledged superhero team, even getting their have motion-picture show (woefully without Barbara Gordon, though a different Batgirl, Cassandra Cain, was included in her civil identity).

Along the way, Barbara solidifies her theatrical role as Prophesier, earning a office among the top heroes of the DC Universe and flat joining the Magistrate League every bit the team's coordinator - wholly thanks to the strength of her mind (though, as she's never been insufficient of demonstrating, her body remains tough-equally-nails, thanks to technical wheelchair combat training).

Meanwhile, Eastern Samoa Barbara was cultivating her calling as Oracle, a new part came along to suck her old mantle, with Cassandra Cain, a warrior lifted from birth to be an assassin, becoming the new Batgirl. Cassandra stayed in the role for a few eld but was in time replaced with another Batgirl, Stephanie Brown AKA Looter, an friend of Tim Drake/Robin.

But about a decade past, in 2011, DC rebooted its continuity again, this time re-creating the Multiverse in the story Flash point, giving lift to the era noted as the 'New 52.' And with this change came even bigger shifts for Barbara Gordon.

Batgirl On the far side

cover of Batgirl #1

(Image credit: District of Columbia)

The dawn of the 'New 52' brought Barbara Gordon back to the role of Batgirl after two decades American Samoa Oracle in a new Batgirl #1. Though or s elements of DC continuity were at one time again reworked when the timeline was split back into a Multiverse (right away once again evolved into an Omniverse), Barbara's modern-day chronicle was left mostly intact - including her retreat atomic number 3 Batgirl, her paralysis, and her subsequent time American Samoa Oracle.

Preferably than erasing these developments, IT was explained that Barbara had been given a spinal embed which would allow her to walk, fight, and acrobatically dash around Gotham City once more - a device which remains part of her life in her current status quo (we'll experience to it momently).

Barbara resumed her life as Batgirl, taking functioning with whatsoever fellow college students and eventually flying into a locality near Gotham University, establishing her own territory and report as the so-called Batgirl of Side-whiskers. She quickly branched come out of the closet of her home turf, embarking connected a travel around the human race to rediscover her roots in the indistinguishability in the Batgirl: Rebirth era.

(Image credit: DC)

Lately, she's been a regular extended cast member of the core Batman titles and a regular co-hotshot Nightwing alongside Hawkshaw Grayson, with whom she's had an on-again-off-again arts relationship over the years, which these days is way on again.

Piece Barbara recently got a fresh costume invention as Batgirl, she's been disbursal more time as Oracle identity, splitting time between her cape and her computer to prevent the implant that cures her paralysis from burning out. It's been implied the wear and tear of fighting crime connected rooftops and the streets wish one of these days cause the implant to go, although that's an eventuality she's to the full prepared for, so she does sometimes hit the streets when needed.

Her roles atomic number 3 Batgirl and Oracle will flush conflate encourage American Samoa Babs has taken on Cassandra Cain (Oracle) and Stephanie Brown (Spoiler) arsenic protégés as a team of Batgirls and stars of an eponymous new ongoing series.

Babs whitethorn even don the purple and yellow in the neighborhoods of Gotham City, but her mentorship appears like it'll be more arsenic Oracle, with Cassie and Steph doing the bulk of the fieldwork (sorta like-minded the original Birds of Predate).

Through her many guest appearances, supporting roles and now another headlining role, Barbara Gordon is Eastern Samoa in-demand as ever. And with Batman slated to leave Gotham for an figurative arc, she'll too be asked to help fill the leaders interruption in the Bat-family his absence wish make, and there is nobody more than subject and preconditioned in the DCU to do that than her.

Barbara Gordon's changes from Batgirl, to Oracle, and back again have had their ploughshare of contestation. Author Jill Pantozzi spells out why she believes Seer is stronger than Batgirl will ever be in this essay from the time of Barbara's render as Batgirl.

George Marston

I've been Newsarama's resident Marvel Comics expert and general comic book historian since 2011. I've as wel been the on-internet site reporter at the most prima comic conventions such as Comic-Con International: San Diego, New York Amusing Jail bird, and C2E2. Outside of comic journalism, I am the artist of many supernatural pictures, and the guitarist of numerous heavy riffs. (They/Them)


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