
Best Crowdsourcing Sites To Make Money

If you have been doing micro jobs for long on crowdsourcing sites like mTurk & making some decent earning from this, then you may want to know some alternative such sites.

Why? Because… you simply increase your earnings to double or even triple, by working on these sites.

But before telling you the best crowdsourcing sites, let me briefly explain what crowdsourcing is

best mturk alternatives

Crowd-Sourcing is one of the best ways to earn money by working on simple tasks like…

  • Finding contact details from some websites
  • Searching for similar websites
  • Finding an image based on some keyword
  • Giving reviews & ratings on some websites
  • Writing a comment or short article
  • Like a page on social sites' etc.

You can find hundreds of similar micro jobs which are simple in nature. There may be some crowdsourcing Websites like mturk which focus on any general topics & then there are some sites which focus on a specific topic.

Here we've listed down top 12 mturk Alternatives sites. If you haven't joined mturk till then…

Read This: How to Signup mTurk- Step by Step Details

Top 12 CrowdSourcing Sites (Best mturk Alternative Sites)

I have already published an MTurk guide that shows how to make good money from mTurk.

In this article, You can find the best mturk alternative websites to find more micro jobs and make more money.

1) MicroWorkers

Microworkers is one of the best website similar to mTurk. You will find thousands of micro jobs on a daily basis.

Most of the tasks on microworkers are related to website promotions.

It means… you will help the employers in microworkers to promote their website so that they can generate good business from their website.

But the tasks are very simple in nature & anyone with little knowledge can do it. And yes, if you are already making money from Mturk then you will find these tasks very easy.

Check here some of the examples of micro jobs on MicroWorkers.

  • Follow someone on twitter
  • Rate a YouTube video
  • Create a Gmail account
  • Signup on some website
  • Upload a photo on some website etc. etc.

Now you know, how easy it is to make money on MicroWorkers. So do you think it's worth to join MicroWorker to make money?

If yes, then visit the site here & click 'Register for Free'. And yes, don't forget to read their FAQs.

Must Read:How to Make Money on YouTube – An Ultimate Guide

2) ShortTasK

ShortTask is one of the good crowdsourcing sites to make money.

Each website calls their worker with different names so here in ShortTask, you are known as 'Solver'.

You will find 4 broad categories in ShortTask-

Research: Tasks like finding a competitor site, research the airfares & give the cheapest, research website related to some topics etc.

Data Entry: Entering some info, some copy & paste jobs, extract text from images etc.

Writing: Writing a review, comment, short article, proofreading etc.

Design: Logo design, banner design, header design etc.

3) ClickWorker

This is again one of the good crowdsourcing Websites to work with & here you are known as ClickWorker.

Once you join ClickWorker, you need to pass assessments for most job types.

There are two kinds of assessments:

Basic assessments help to evaluate skills such as spelling, grammar and foreign-language knowledge while projects assessments teach you specific requirements they need you to fulfil when working.

There are around more than 200,000 Clickworkers & they always have a large number of micro jobs in their system.

But you can browse & work on these crowdsourcing jobs only after you pass the assessments.

So just log in to your account & click the link 'Start your first basic assessment now' or click on 'have a look at our list of current project assessments!'

I suggest you read its FAQ here before you join Clickworker.

4) Designhill

DesignHill is a very reputed graphics design website. Small and large businesses looking for new logos, literature, caricatures, as well as designs for product branding, turn to Designhill for best solutions.

This is one of the crowdsourcing sites which sources graphic design talent from across the world and assigns them your project.

Hence, you have very well qualified designers working to create exquisite and unique designs to represent your brand.

For graphic designers looking for work, DesignHill offers the unique opportunity of working for some of the topmost brands in the world and corporate giants.

Indeed, DesignHill is the website for any company or graphic designer to make a giant splash in the global market.

5) RapidWorkers

RapidWorkers is a service of UnikScripts, Inc. & its growing rapidly.

Like MicroWorkers, most of the micro jobs here are marketing related which helps to grow the sites of the employer.

The minimum payout is $4 & you can get paid immediately by PayPal once you reach the min. payout.

6) CrowdSource

One of the CrowdSourcing sites, which offers myriad tasks to freelancers and employed professionals.

As a company, you can avail CrowdSource services for medical transcription, technical, financial and various other transcriptions.

You can also ask CrowdSource to find experts around the globe to manage and analyze data from your computer systems which is vital for e-commerce businesses, financial institutions, cybersecurity agencies and motley others.

For publications, media and e-commerce businesses as well as companies with a presence on the social media, CrowdSource offers moderator services.

This means comments posted by readers or customers are screened for objectionable content before posted online.

CrowdSource also allows you to get excellent scripts and promotional material written by its crowdsourced copywriters from across the world.

7) CrowdFlower

You are known as a contributor to CrowdFlower. With more than 30 million contributors worldwide, CrowdFlower is amongst the biggest crowdsourcing sites.

There is no direct signup facility on CrowdFlower so if you want to become a CrowdFlower contributor, you need to signup with one of their contributor channel partners such as ClixSense, mTurk, SuperPay etc.

ClixSense is one of the best PTC Sites if you want to earn some good money.

Must Read:Get Paid to Read Ads with 5 Most Trusted PTC Sites

8) Crowdtap

Crowdtap is among the best crowdsourcing sites. They have got so many big brands associated with them & you can work with any of the brands you like.

You can directly login to Crowdtap with your Facebook account. You don't need to make a separate signup.

But Crowdtap is available for only US people & they hope to expand internationally soon.

Also Read:10 Quick & Easy Ways To Make Money on Facebook

9) SamaSource

SamaSource is a nonprofit organization run by Leila Janah. It is an innovative social business that connects women and youth living in poverty to dignified work via the Internet.

There are 3 steps to work with Samasource-


Samasource works with in-country partners to identify and recruit poor women and youth, making less than $3 a day on average, to become Samasource workers and give them the opportunity to earn a living wage.


Workers receive 2-4 weeks of computer-based training in order to prepare them for microwork projects and position them for ongoing success in the workplace.

Give Work

Workers perform microwork for their clients, enabling them to earn a living wage and gain the critical job skills necessary to increase their lifetime earnings.

If you want to join Samasource, just click here & click on "Donate" at the bottom.

10) Jobboy

Jobboy is one of the CrowdSourcing sites with more than 60,000 workers worldwide. It's worth to join & make money through

Although there are fewer tasks as compared to other websites mentioned here but if you are quick enough to pick the crowdsourcing jobs from here then this crowd sourcing site is recommended for you.

11) Utest

uTest is among the crowdsourcing sites that allows IT experts to test various new software and mobile apps before they are offered to the public. Additionally, you also get an opportunity to test personalized or customized IT solutions designed by reputed providers for small businesses to giant corporations.

For the corporate sector, uTest provides easy and verifiable testing of software and other IT solutions they intend to incorporate such as detecting technical snags, security loopholes and user-friendliness before it is deployed.

Using uTest allows a company to fix glitches before using any IT solution. This testing is done through crowdsourced IT experts located in various regions of the world.

12) The Smart Crowd

The Smart Crowd offers cost-effective solutions for almost every industry. Based upon your specific needs, The Smart Crowd enlists the services of various experts in any particular field to execute your job.

The Crowd Source offers services for online and offline translations, transcriptions of various sorts, global data testing and analytical services and myriad others suited for your business.

For professionals worldwide, The Smart Crowd allows you to work in groups on projects of very large corporations. This adds to your experience while performing the tasks from the comfort of your home. The Smart Crowd also pays lucrative remuneration to people it hires 10for any task.

Are you already working on any of the 12 crowdsourcing sites mentioned above? If yes, then share your experience with other people.

Best Crowdsourcing Sites To Make Money


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